Our faculty is very exprience to teach indivisual with deep Knowledge.

Mr. Panchanan Pande

Principal of North East Academy


Over the years at has been able to crave an enviable place as a premier educational institution both in imparting values as well asw quality education. It has proved its distinctiveness by the number of students who are doing remarkably well in all walks of life.The school is forgoing ahead .Today after 15 years of its inception the school has grown by leaps and bounds. An educational system based on Learn, Love and Serve that enables the young to become fully alive and human, and to strive for excellent and to make the right choices in life. The little sapling North East  Academy has grown and matured into a gigantic tree with many baranches, bearing fruits in plenty. Today we salute the stalwarts who have made this institution what it is.....The Principals, teaching and Non-Teaching staff, past and present who have played a pivotal role in establishment it firmly on the eductional map of Kolkata, greater Kolkata and further the innumerable number of students who have passed through the hallowed portals of this great temple of learning and are assets to our society. We still continue with our onward journey.


Miss Shreya Jaiswal

Teacher In Charge of North East Academy


Children are like little sapling bestowed on us by their parents and we have the responsibility as a gardener to cultivate them with care and love. We try to give our best inputs when it comes to their overall growth and development. Little children, like sapling need proper soil, sunlight and unconditional love to become firm trees of tomorrow. The Children as to how they perceive and interpret the world. We give them that extra nurturing support, additional love and exquisite care which empowers them to achieve their overall happiness to learn effectively and efficiently. We at North East Academy try to bring in play way method, music & singing method and highly informative interaction. We teachers do give in our 100% of heart and mind to our job and always maintain a warm and friendly relation with the parents of our students.

Mrs. Chaitali Chatterjee

Teacher (Hindi Bengali)


Many people think that because the school day ends at 3 PM teachers just leave, but, the truth is, we stay late and often put in more than 8 Hours of works a day. It is almost every day off but we are constantly thinking about the school year to come and working on our skills. We teachers at North East Academy are very attached to our students; they are always in our minds.


Mrs. Madhumita Paul

Science Teacher, CBSE


Science department is the flagship department of North East Academy we have the best of labs for computers, chemistry, physics and biology. We have responsible teacher to take care of the academics and practical requirements of our students. We encourage student to take up science projects which not only help them understand science better but also tickle their brain with scientific stimulus.

Miss Shreya Jaiswal

Commerce Teacher , CBSE


Studying commerce is the new trend from students as they plan their career towards Chartered Accountancy and MBA. Our students are doing really great when it comes to academics. We teachers also keep them aware with latest policies, market dynamics and statistics related to commercial world.